Monday, September 13, 2010

Stinky Cigarettes! Everybody thinks it's Pew!

A SURE pathway to death by disease: Nicotine Addiction!
Take your pick today for tomorrow: stroke, heart disease, sudden death by heart attack, slow ugly death by cancer or not being able to breathe COPD/emphysema. If that doesn't scare you how about losing your breasts for a smoke lady's or guys: impotence? It'll be something you won't like so think it over. Do what you can to STOP SMOKING NOW! Save yourself and please don't get dead because we love you!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Save your heart today! Reduce your own risk factor...

Did you know???? In just 3 years after quitting the smoking habit your risk of a heart episode is that of a non smoker! Hopefully not of a non smoker who eats horrible to clog their arteries after a mad consumption of a junk food addiction for many years!

Save yourself! DON'T GET DEAD over this!