Monday, August 03, 2020

Smoking leads to an UGLY, slow death and you are NOT going to like it!

Where is the beauty in smoking? Where is the glamor in dying a cruel slow death of COPD? Pushing around an oxygen tank your last 10 years while your bed is set up in the living room for others to have to care for you due to your own foolishness?


Smoking causes and exacerbates in YOU and your FAMILY:
asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pnuemonia,  COPD-emphysema, smokers have double risk to DROP dead from heart attack as first symptom, 80-90% of all lung cancers from smoking or the 2nd hand smoke. Smoking causes 30% of ALL other type cancers, head and neck etc. Smoking increases Alzheimer's risk, CHF, Vascular dementia, low birth weight for babies, impotence for men, increases complications for surgery, sutures fall out, wound healing problems, poor circulation, wrinkled skin and Squamous Cell skin cancers, what else do you need to know to stop?

There is more!  STOP and SAVE yourself NOW!

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