asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pnuemonia, COPD-emphysema, smokers have double risk to DROP dead from heart attack as first symptom, 80-90% of all lung cancers from smoking or the 2nd hand smoke. Smoking causes 30% of ALL other type cancers, head and neck etc. Smoking increases Alzheimer's risk, CHF, Vascular dementia, low birth weight for babies, impotence for men, increases complications for surgery, sutures fall out, wound healing problems, poor circulation, wrinkled skin and Squamous Cell skin cancers, what else do you need to know to stop?
SMOKERS..step into my office!!
Nag, Nag, Nag! But it's because we love you and don't want you to GET DEAD. We don't want your innocent family members to be afflicted by your nonsense either! Let's straighten up and FLY Right while there is HOPE for HEALTH RECOVERY! There's always hope. You can do it!! Consider the easiest way of Accu Laser to STOP!! It works!!
Monday, August 03, 2020
Smoking leads to an UGLY, slow death and you are NOT going to like it!
asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pnuemonia, COPD-emphysema, smokers have double risk to DROP dead from heart attack as first symptom, 80-90% of all lung cancers from smoking or the 2nd hand smoke. Smoking causes 30% of ALL other type cancers, head and neck etc. Smoking increases Alzheimer's risk, CHF, Vascular dementia, low birth weight for babies, impotence for men, increases complications for surgery, sutures fall out, wound healing problems, poor circulation, wrinkled skin and Squamous Cell skin cancers, what else do you need to know to stop?
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Can you imagine how these smell? Smokers can't detect the aromas so well...
within 20 minutes of your last cigarette,
Your blood pressure and pulse drop to normal!
The blood circulation in your hands and feet improves! Wow!
After eight hours:
The level of carbon monoxide in your blood drops to normal!
The oxygen level in your blood returns to normal!
After one day:
Your chance of experiencing a heart attack is cut in half!
After 2-3 days:
Your nerve endings begin growing again!
Your senses of smell and taste improve!
Cilia begins to clean out your lungs!
After 2-3 months:
General blood circulation improves.
Shortness of breath decreases!
After 1-9 months:
Coughing, sinus congestion and fatigue decreases!
Your energy level increases!
Cilia re-grow in your lungs increasing your body's ability to reduce the potential for infection.
After 5 years:
Your risk of developing lung cancer is cut in 1/2!
After 7-10 years:
Your risk of developing lung cancer drops to that of a nonsmoker!
Your risk of developing other cancers decreases!
Those are impressive scientific changes that are dramatic! During a stressful time such as giving up an addiction, we have to boost our immune system with extra nutrients so our body can heal itself! You can do it! Say this...." I WANNA LIVE!!"
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
How are your lungs looking these days?

Poor guy on the right was killed by accident.
Now that's bad luck!
Same age man!
To view more dead body parts or to arrange to donate yours after you've finished with your quest to self destruct see above site!

Wednesday, April 06, 2016
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Half of all Cancers linked to that Smoking Habit!
And you were going to blame old Aunt Mable R.I.P. ! We gotta SAVE OURselves!
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Monday, September 13, 2010
Stinky Cigarettes! Everybody thinks it's Pew!
Take your pick today for tomorrow: stroke, heart disease, sudden death by heart attack, slow ugly death by cancer or not being able to breathe COPD/emphysema. If that doesn't scare you how about losing your breasts for a smoke lady's or guys: impotence? It'll be something you won't like so think it over. Do what you can to STOP SMOKING NOW! Save yourself and please don't get dead because we love you!
Monday, March 01, 2010
Save your heart today! Reduce your own risk factor...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Who says Marijuana is not as lethal as tobacco?

4:54 PM, February 9, 2009
Young men who began using marijuana as adolescents or who smoked pot at least once a week were twice as likely as those who never used the drug to develop testicular cancer, according to researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
The association was strongest with nonseminoma, an aggressive, fast-growing subtype of testicular cancer that typically strikes men between ages 20 and 35.
"It's not just that you develop testicular cancer, but you develop a worse type of testicular cancer,"
What are its long-term effects?
Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations.Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day. The carcinogens in marijuana are 50-70 % stronger than that of tobacco.
Because within the first view hits, marijuana use increases the heart rate by over 50%, this dramatically increases the risk of a cardiac episode.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Smoking Athlete?
This article is interesting. Those smoker's who actually DO exercise may be putting at bay the harmful devastation ahead from the consequences of this vice. The protective effects from exercise can even stall the harmful outcome from almost any vice I say! Some are addicted to sugar and are shooting themselves in the foot that way! Exercise and healthy food consumption is a powerful deterrent! But is that something worth banking on to continue that vice? I think NOT. Note to self: Smoker's will never be OK with leaving this earth and those they LOVE earlier than they have to. Stop while there is time. SAVE yourself NOW!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Someone is praying you'll consider: STOP SMOKING NOW!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Do you know someone who wishes you would QUIT?
Thanks for letting me share.....
Redeem yourself now! Don't get dead! Reverse the damage by juicing fresh, raw vegetables and fruit. Give your self a boost into healthiness!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Some OLD DEAD lungs....hmm... nice!

Poor guy on the right was killed by accident.
Now that's bad luck!
Same age man!
Fact: nearly 1 cup of nicotine is absorbed into the lungs annually from a pack a day habit of cigarettes! Yuck!
To view more dead body parts or to arrange to donate yours after you've finished with your quest to self destruct see above site!

Smoking is a SUBTLE suicide really....

This is how I imagine the paths of heaven to be. Do you like it? I hope so because you will be there, far before your time because those are the perks of lighting up, day after day. Oh sure, "so what," you say, "who cares" until you put your family through the misery of your foolishness. Who do you suppose shall care for you during your slow agonizing death? Yep, the people who love you most and shall be most hurt at your crossing over. Your spouse, who can't live without you, your crying children or sobbing grandchildren at your death bed. All because living in denial (that smoking will rob us from anything!)
Guess who else it's hurting? The children who are afflicted by smoking parents! ex:Asthma, bronchitis. chronic colds and flu.
The Smokers themselves will have some choices in death though. Cancer of some kind and or Emphysema, (each breath sounds like your last for about 10 years. ) You can expect a hospital bed in the living room say the last 5 years of your life. And some family member pushes you around in a wheelchair while you push the oxygen tank. Oh yeah, you won't be driving either. I hope you have someone in your life who really thinks you are neat! You are gonna need it. But if you are lucky, perhaps just sudden death by MI. Or, you can always have high blood pressure and (guys)be impotent too! That's not very noticeable to others....clogged arteries that is. Clogged arteries = erectile dysfunction! Stop smoking and watch your blood pressure and cholesterol drastically improve!
I'm a little hard on this I know. It is one of the single most powerful destructive vice we can have. No time is good to needlessly "split" on the family. Smoking could be the single most powerful thing you stop too.
RESEARCH: Low Level Laser Therapy to STOP SMOKING!
Check into the laser accupuncture for stop smoking! Everyone I know that has done it has quit without nicotine withdrawl misery! A 30 minute appointment to reduce withdrawl side effects!Save yourself now!!
If you live near Corona California call:
1 877-478-4877 now to find out how in 30 minutes you can be smoke free!!!!! THE MORE FRIENDS YOU TAKE THE CHEAPER THE PRICE!!
Save yourself now! Say this: "I wanna LIVE!!"
Back to health recovery......
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Jean Kevorkian,Eric Wallis
JUST Don't be caught DEAD without Jesus!